Author: mcieadmin

A Career in Hospitality… Where could it take you?

10 Tricks Every Non-Morning Person Should Know

The alarm screeches to alert you another morning is here, and your first instinct is one of frustration; or for those who really hate mornings, one of anger. Hating mornings is a sure way to ruin your days and it’s logical that enjoying the start of each day would be a much more positive life […]


MCIE 29th on the BRW Fast 100 Awards!

BRW’s Fast 100 and Fast Starters lists have for 25 years been Australia’s biggest celebration of business growth and entrepreneurship. Over the years, some of Australia’s best known companies have first come to prominence on a Fast list. For instance, Aspen Medical was ranked 1 on the Fast 100 in 2007, before outgrowing it to […]


10 Ways to Improve Your Memory

Did you know that if you’re living a stressful life without much sleep and a constantly poor diet, you could be destroying your memory? Don’t fear, it’s easy to be kind to your body and help your memory improve with just some simple tips and life changes, so here’s ten ways to improve your memory. […]


5 Personality Traits of Great Cooks and Chefs

Here at MCIE, we understand that choosing the right training course can be an overwhelming decision, and our goal is always to help people fulfil their career dreams, but there are some tricks to succeeding. For example if you’re thinking about becoming a cook or a chef, did you know there are some personality traits […]


A Day at the Victorian Government Reporting Service (VGRS)

13 students and staff of MCIE’s Certificate I in Work Education program were given the opportunity to spend the morning at the Victorian Government Reporting Service (VGRS). A bit of background on the VGRS – it was originally established as the Government Shorthand Writers Office in 1854 and with all the technological advancements through its […]


The Meaning of a Good Life Conference

  German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said, ‘He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how.’ and Winnie the Pooh creator A.A. Milne once asked his audience to ‘pay attention to where you are going because without meaning, you might get nowhere.’   Heavy, important, soulful stuff this but perhaps there can […]


A Most Delicious Career Day at Chocolatier

  Since 1985 the Grisold family have been taking on the Swiss and the Belgians at their own game by creating the finest truffles, pralines and chocolate novelties here in Melbourne, Australia with their award winning Chocolatier brand. A group of 8 students from MCIE’s Certificate I in Work Education class were given the opportunity […]


A Career in Hospitality… Where could it take you?

If you’re looking for a career that could ensure you’d have a great employment stability almost anywhere in Australia, or could even see you jet-setting around the world visiting some of the most coveted tourist destinations, then perhaps it’s time to consider a career in hospitality. There’s more to a hospitality career than you might […]

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