
Congratulations, graduating class of 2014!

4 Successful People Share Their Advice on How to Succeed

Success comes to people in different ways. It is important to know that it may take a while from some people, and for others, it happens very quickly. The main thing that everyone can take away from it at the end of the day is that it will happen if you work hard and follow [...]

Setting Your Goals With SMART

Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely Having a plan will help you to achieve success in what ever it is you are doing, it will make your journey to achieving your goal easier, by clearly identifying the steps needed.   Specific Understand specifically what it is you wish to achieve. Break it down into multiple smaller goals but […]


Rajiv Gulshan Awarded Skills Group Fellowship 2015

  Rajiv Gulshan, Director of Training & Delivery at Melbourne City Institute of Education has been successful in winning the Higher Education and Skills Group (HESG) Overseas Fellowship for 2015 sponsored by The Department of Education & Training and International Specialised Skills Institute in Carlton Victoria.   This fellowship aims to provide opportunities for staff in […]


A Date With Courage 15th of August 2015

  MCIE are proud to be supporting A Date with Courage. The fundraising conference is being held on Saturday the 15th of August at the Kung Fu Academy 1pm-5pm. The event is expected to raise $5000 for The Hunger Project. Patrons can enjoy inspiring talks and fabulous food all while supporting a great cause.     SPEAKERS ANDREW […]


The Secret to Making Any Career Decision

Article by Jason Bishara   Job related decisions are arguably the hardest decisions we have to make in life. The consequences to the wrong choices and the benefits the rights ones are far reaching. And this is precisely why they come with tremendous pressure.   People can spend weeks tossing and turning, writing out the […]


From Passion to Business

Article by Jason Bishara.   Have you ever dreamed of starting your own business? Do you have a passion that you would love to turn into something more?   With the Australian federal government announcing a wide range of tax benefits for small business owners in the latest budget, it would seem that now more [...]

Get in Control of Your Time Management

Article by Loreena Walsh So you don’t have enough time? Can’t get everything done? Struggling with over-committing yourself with work, family and study; and stuck in a never ending cycle of unfinished tasks? The great news is that you can take control of your time management and enjoy an efficient and successful year ahead, simply […]


Congratulations, graduating class of 2014!

It was a privilege celebrating the success of our students on Wednesday the 3rd of December; with more than 20 students receiving their certificates in front of proud family and friends. The ceremony started right on time at 2.30 with many students arriving well before then to settle in, grab a seat and show off […]

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